Link to enlarge Masculine head from Palenque Chiapas from photo by Michel Zabé WHO'S WHO IN THE CLASSIC MAYA WORLD
Peter Mathews
Yax B'alam    Ruler of Santa Elena Poco Uinic (born AD 766(?), ruled 782-790)SEP 001
Yax B'alam's name survives on only one monument: Stela 3 from Santa Elena Poco Uinic. The lengthy text on the Back of Stela 3 records the period-ending date (AD 790), by which time Yax B'alam was ruling at Santa Elena Poco Uinic. The text also has a probable reference to Yax B'alam's birth in AD 766 and also records his accession date, on his sixteenth birthday (in terms of haab' years of 365 days). The text of Stela 3 also records one of the most famous astronomical events found in Classic Maya inscriptions: a total solar eclipse on the date, which was first argued by Teeple (1931: 115).

Unfortunately nothing is known about Yax B'alam apart from the record of Stela 3. It is possible that he was also responsible for Santa Elena Poco Uinic Stela 1, in which case a portrait of him survives. The presence of an emblem glyph in one of the references to Yax B'alam indicates that he ruled a kingdom, but the main sign of the emblem glyph is weathered and so the ancient name of the kingdom of Santa Elena Poco Uinic is unknown.

Complete List of Text References

What's in a Name?


List of Buildings Commissioned

Monuments Commissioned - Stela 3, and possibly Stela 1.

Genealogy -


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